Uncovering Bold Ideas for Transforming the Low-Wage Labor Market
Uncovering Bold Ideas for Transforming the Low-Wage Labor Market
A Virtual Event Series
The COVID-19 economic crisis has laid bare long-standing structural inequities in the US labor market. Yet, it has also afforded us an opportunity to generate new knowledge on policies and practices that could lead to transformative change for workers.
Join us as we launch WorkRise, a new national platform for identifying, testing, and sharing bold new ideas for transforming the low-wage labor market. This week-long public conversation series will explore how to drive a truly inclusive economic recovery. Business leaders, worker advocates, practitioners, policymakers, and scholars will discuss how to rebuild our economy in ways that place workers of color, women, and young workers at the center and create pathways for economic security and mobility for all workers.
WorkRise is hosted by the Urban Institute. See below for full session descriptions and speaker lists. Separate registration is requested for each session.

Economic context
Tuesday, October 13, 2020How Economic Forces and Racial Inequity Shape Opportunity and Mobility
Join WorkRise for the first installment in a week-long series of online conversations exploring bold new ideas for transforming the low-wage labor market.
Our opening panels set the stage for the series: During the…

Skills and training
Wednesday, October 14, 2020Leveraging Skill Building and Improving Job Search and Matching to Better Serve Workers
Join WorkRise for the second installment in a week-long series online forum exploring bold new ideas for transforming the low-wage labor market.
Panelists will share their perspectives on how skill building can improve…

Worker voice, representation, and power
Thursday, October 15, 2020How Employer Practices and Worker Power Shape Labor Market Outcomes
Join WorkRise for the third installment in a week-long online forum exploring bold new ideas for transforming the low-wage labor market.
Employer policies and practices, such as pay, benefits, hiring, training,…

Social determinants of work
Friday, October 16, 2020A 360° Perspective on What Workers Need to Thrive
Join WorkRise for the final installment in a week-long online forum exploring bold new ideas for transforming the low-wage labor market.
Many factors outside work, such as access to safe and affordable child care, housing,…