
Economic context
People’s access to opportunity and advancement in the labor market is shaped by macroeconomic forces, technological change, policy choices, and labor market dynamics.
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Employer practices
Employer practices such as hiring, scheduling, promotion, supervision, and on-the-job training determine workers’ day-to-day reality and long-term prospects in the labor market.
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Job search and matching
How people search for and match to jobs reflects how well the labor market is functioning for both workers and employers.
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Skills and training
Human capital development—or people’s ability to acquire skills and knowledge through education and training—advances workers’ economic opportunity and strengthens employers and the economy.
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Social determinants of work
Certain opportunities aligned with a given job—such as access to dependable family care, reliable and affordable transportation, and workplace benefits like health care and paid leave—can affect people’s ability to succeed at work.
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Worker voice, representation, and power
Unions, collective bargaining, and other forms of advocacy have resulted in better wages, benefits, and working conditions for workers.
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