Skills and training

WorkRise Shorts: The Harvard Workforce Almanac

Last updated on April 23, 2024

The workforce almanac is a first-of-its-kind open-source directory mapping thousands of workforce training providers across the US. The workforce training system in the US has historically been treated in fragmentation, Nathalie Gazzaneo, co-director of Harvard Project on Workforce, shares. This resource is an attempt to address that, offering a more system-level overview and understanding of how the workforce development sector, specifically training, is serving American workers and American communities.

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The Workforce Almanac: A System-Level View of US Workforce Training Providers

The Workforce Almanac, a first-of-its-kind effort to understand workforce training at a systemwide level is a an open-source directory of nearly 17,000 workforce training providers across the United States. This database offers the most comprehensive view to date of US workforce training providers and includes information such as provider names, locations, and types.

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