Economic context

Aligning Workforce and Economic Development to Benefit Workers

Last updated on May 14, 2024

The research report was updated on June 18, 2024, to make minor clarifications to the text and to add references. More information can be found in the Errata section of the report. The research summary was corrected on May 28, 2024, to add Frankie Clogston to the byline and the About the Authors section.

Research Report   Research Summary

In this report, WorkRise examines what we know about the impacts of the workforce development and economic development fields and their implications for equitable economic outcomes for low-wage workers, especially Black individuals and other people of color who have faced systematic challenges in economic mobility. As a companion to the report, we offer a summary of this research and findings from a new community of practice led by WorkRise and the New Growth Innovation Network, which lays out what research tells us, what practitioners and leaders experience on the ground, and where we need to go.