Job Quality and Employer Practices: Evidence from B Corporations
A new WorkRise report explores how employer practices related to job quality differ between certified B Corporations and similar firms, revealing insights into worker benefits, firm outcomes, and strategies to improve job quality.
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A new WorkRise report explores how employer practices related to job quality differ between certified B Corporations and similar firms, revealing insights into worker benefits, firm outcomes, and strategies to improve job quality.
Grantmaking and Partnerships
Led by a cross-sector Leadership Board that is ideologically diverse and representative of often-siloed groups, WorkRise invests in research on policies, programs, and practices that have the potential to accelerate economic security and mobility for low-wage workers. We fund analyses and the creation of data that shed light on labor market barriers, trends, and opportunities. And we engage in strategic partnerships that help advance evidence-based solutions in support of our mission. Learn more about our most recent request for proposals and how you can collaborate with WorkRise.
The Latest
In Depth

Worker voice, representation, and power
Last updated on October 24, 2024
Segregation in the Low-Wage Workforce
Over the past 50 years, the composition of the low-wage workforce has changed: more than half of low-wage workers are now people of color, up from just 20 percent in 1971. Today, Black, Latino, and women workers are more likely to be segregated into worse-quality and lower-paying jobs.
WorkRise Research

Employer practices
Last updated on November 19, 2024
WorkRise Shorts: Overcoming Racial Disparities in Manufacturing Recruitment and Training Programs
Can a new local manufacturing workforce development program that targets workers who are not traditionally engaged in the sector overcome racial disparities in its hiring and wage rates?
Last updated on November 19, 2024
The Latest

Job search and matching
December 19, 2023
Research Summary
Who Transitions from Dirty to Green Jobs?
The number of workers moving from carbon-intensive (“dirty”) to noncarbon-intensive (“green”) jobs is higher than ever before—yet remains low overall. Policymakers, practitioners, and researchers can help facilitate the green jobs transition and ensure that no worker is left behind.

Worker voice, representation, and power
December 12, 2023
WorkRise Shorts: Economic Security for Low-Wage Immigrant Manicurists with Lisa Fu
California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative executive director Lisa Fu discusses her WorkRise-funded research that examines two specific approaches to elevate the industry—high-road training partnerships and sectoral bargaining—and offers insight into how unions, community partners, workers, and owners can use these strategies to move forward.
December 12, 2023

Worker voice, representation, and power
December 12, 2023
Research Summary
How Workplace Institutions Improve Employee Harmony
White workers have lower racial resentment toward Black coworkers when they are in a labor union. White workers in unions are more likely to support policies that benefit Black Americans, even after they lose union membership.

Skills and training
December 05, 2023
Ensuring the American Climate Corps Is Rooted in Justice and Built for Mobility
The newly announced American Climate Corps—a multiagency job training initiative in the growing fields of clean energy, conservation, and climate resilience—has a major opportunity to spur local workforce partnerships, build diverse talent pipelines, and tackle climate change.